Inspiration in Embo

What is this thing creative people call ‘inspiration’?

A dictionary definition describes it as: the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

I like that definition. That’s how it feels to me.

In 2016, we enjoyed a trip up to the north of Scotland to a wee village called Embo, a place we’d often visited and always loved. There is a caravan and camping park up there, called Grannie’s Heilan’ Hame, and we always stay in one of their static caravans.

While walking on the beach, I was ‘mentally stimulated’ or ‘inspired’ to write a new story, which I worked on and the published novel is called Gold Plated and is available in both paperback and kindle format.

Once again, we planned a trip to Embo this year, 2023. Due to age and health related problems, I hadn’t been writing for some time, but I decided I’d pack my laptop anyway – in case! And to my great delight, being there, in Embo, it happened again. Once more, while walking along the beach, I felt that mental stimulation to get creative and I decided to set another brand new novel right there in Embo. And I’m incredibly delighted and beyond excited. 💃

The Embo anchor is going to feature in this one.

So, sorry, have to dash. I have a lot of research and writing to do 😀

You can find all my other novels on Amazon Kindle or FeedaRead.

Happy reading while I’m happily writing.


I’m not a proper poet

I’m not a poet, but sometimes the mood comes over me and I like to write poetry. While I was writing the novel, Making it Home, I wrote this poem, wrapped within the novel. I hope you like it, but please do keep in mind I lay no claim to being a proper poet ☺️

I close my eyes that I may see that which my heart denies

It whispers loud, I cannot hear, as into the night it cries.

Where is the love you had for me? 

Where are the ties that bind?

What will the cold morn bring to me, 

If the truth I cannot find?

When we were young and blithe and free

My heart caressed your soul.

If ’twas for me you tarried here

Why am I now alone?

My love was true, my heart is broke. 

You care not this to know.

The journey’s done, the voyage o’er, so whither shall I go?


Making It Home – Kindle Or if you prefer –Paperback

Making it Home

Making it Homeonly 99p on Kindle.

A contemporary story about three women who live and work in Edinburgh.

One of the things this novel explores is what happens when a woman leaves the home she’s lived in for twenty-eight years and the marriage she feels she’s stagnated in for thirty-five: where does she go? can she build a new life? where and how will she ‘make it home’?

Kate’s husband, Dan, was the one who shook her into leaving. He invaded and despoiled her private territory, the place of refuge she had created. He wasn’t a cruel man, just a thoughtless one, and the novel also looks at events from his viewpoint.

Another area of exploration is the world of two shopaholics, Phyllis and Naomi: why they shop; what they are really buying, and how they can stop.

I wrote this novel after realising that many of my friends and acquaintances were reaching a time in their lives and marriages when they felt a little ‘sidelined’ by life and needed something more. Some of them turn to ‘retail therapy’, usually with little success but many problems. Some of them seek out new jobs or new hobbies, usually with more success and fewer problems. There are those who do nothing, but remain feeling unfulfilled and a little cheated by life.

The feedback I have so far received from those who have read this book, is very positive. Many have identified with the characters and tell me that this novel has helped them to re-evaluate their lives.

A brief synopsis is:

Kate had a home, but her heart wasn’t in it… or in her marriage. So she left them both.

Phyllis had a home… and her heart was in it… but she wanted something more. So she shopped.

Naomi had no home and her heart was in cold storage, frozen by grief and fear. So she shopped.

They found one another in a department store in Edinburgh – shopping.

The trouble with ‘retail therapy’ is… you can overdose.

As friendship grows between these three women, they help one another face up to their problems, realising along the way, that every heart needs a home and it takes more than a house to make one.

Making It Home


Or, if you prefer a Paperback, click here

Three Books

For the past wee while, I’ve been sharing about Family Matters, and now it’s the turn of Making it Home, and then Flying Free. These were my first three published books, mostly written when my family were young, and published when four of the five had got married and flown the nest.

They took a long time to write, at first by hand, then on an old typewriter – with the help of lots of Tippex – then an old second hand computer, and eventually a laptop.

The journey from idea to publication has become a lot quicker for me since then, but the careful crafting of each book has hardly changed. Always caring to give potential readers my best, I’ve always done many editing drafts and rewrites, and always had them proofread, so the biggest difference in the time is the physical process of transferring thoughts to manuscripts ready to be published.

It’s a bit like introducing people to your children. These are my three oldest. I hope you get to meet the others through time.

They’re all clean reads, as in no swearing, graphic sex or violence. There is however, plenty love, friendship, passion and intrigue in them all.

So, would you like to know more about Making it Home?

Watch this space 😀

Author Profile



Stronskavaal House

Although my latest novel, Stronskavaal House, follows on from The Reluctant Detective series, it can be read alone. You’ll soon get to know the characters even if you didn’t yet read the series, so don’t hesitate to read it right away.

As with all my novels, it is Contemporary fiction, classed as Women’s Fiction, but I have many gentlemen who thoroughly enjoy reading my novels too. Available both in Amazon Kindle and as a Paperback, it is also a ‘clean read’ without swearing, sex or violence, although there is romance. So who will fall in love in Stronskavaal House? Can you guess?

Some of the things readers are saying about The Reluctant Detective Series:

“I purchased the entire Reluctant Detective series on Kindle to read on holiday. I became thoroughly engrossed almost immediately. The characters are well drawn and the story is very engaging. Recommended holiday read!”

“The books are brilliant. There is pathos, humour and a clever story line that never fails to amuse or twist in ways you don’t expect. The one issue I had with the three of these books was the difficulty in putting them down, I thought the first book couldn’t sustain the pace or originality in a sequel let alone two but it did. You feel you have made friends with the characters, even some of the rogues , you meet on the journey.”

” I just couldn’t put the 3rd book down. I was desperate to see how it ended so was stirring the soup with the book in my hand! Off to bed early to read in peace and quiet and, of course ,when it was finished I wished that I had made it last longer. Now, that is the sign of a really good read. It would make a great T.V. series. How good would that be?”

In Stronskavaal House, you’ll meet those same endearing characters and follow Mirabelle as she helps solve a new mystery, and if there is anybody out there who knows of a good TV producer looking for a new series…

See you ahead, folks … 🌺🌸🌺


Neist Point

I love jigsaws. Always have, ever since I was a little girl. But for a while now, and for various reasons, I’ve found it difficult to do traditional jigsaws, so I started doing jigsaws online on my iPad. The only drawback of doing them this way is that, at least on the App I use, the scenes are never named.

What joy then to come across a view I know. Neist Point Lighthouse is one of the most famous lighthouses in Scotland and can be found on the most westerly tip of Skye near the township of Glendale. But even more exciting for me than doing a jigsaw of a place I know – it’s also a place I have written about in my latest novel. How much fun is that?

Some of the characters in the novel, Stronskavaal House, have visited Neist Point and discuss its merits, which include fabulous views from the top of the cliffs as well as the lighthouse itself being an interesting old Stevenson lighthouse.

Stronskavaal House is available both in Kindle and Paperback formats.

Why not join Mirabelle and her friends and family on the beautiful Scottish Island of Skye, and read where else they visit and what else they get up to. There’s a mystery and a romance to read about as well as the chance to get to know the characters and the Island.

Meanwhile, I’ll continue to enjoy doing my online jigsaws, keeping an eye out for other scenes I know or have written about.

NEW Release!!

Yes, it’s here at last! After all the glitches and difficulties– mostly of my own making – I’m delighted to announce that my latest novel, Stronskavaal House, has come through unscathed, looking sprightly, and is now available to buy on Amazon Kindle and as a paperback.

This is a second follow-up book to the Reluctant Detective series, featuring most of the same characters, including the main characters Mirabelle and Sam. It could be read as part of the series or as a stand-alone. It is set partly in Edinburgh and partly on the Island of Skye, where Sam was born and brought up, and where he and Mirabelle met.

Mirabelle and Sam’s daughter and granddaughter, Summer and Rosie, live on the Island of Skye in an old guest house owned by two friends of Mirabelle’s, Kay and Esme.

Esme and Kay have ambitious plans to build an extension to Stronskavaal House but they are beset by no end of problems and they begin to fear the work is being deliberately sabotaged. But by whom and why?

Could it be prejudice against incomers to the community?

Or is there a different, far more sinister reason?

While Mirabelle is visiting, she and Esme join forces to investigate the mystery. What they uncover has far-reaching effects on all of them.

Don’t forget, you can buy your copy now, on Amazon Kindle or as a paperback.


The Waiting Game

I did it!! I pressed the appropriate button and my print-ready novel has been submitted to the publisher.

Stronskavaal House is on its way 🎉💃🎉

Now I must be patient until the publisher lets me know I can order a copy to check over, make sure it’s all in order – and when/if it is, I’ll be able to release it into the world.

Meanwhile, so that I can wait patiently, I’m getting on writing the next novel 🤦‍♀️ I know, I know! I said this would be my last but – what can I say – I’m a writer 🤷🏼‍♀️

I might do a bit of napping too 😴

My Temporary Glitches Continue

Okay! This is getting silly. I keep making mistakes, having to correct them, making more while doing the corrections and so on and on.

Sometimes I feel like this book is never going to happen!

My latest mistake is that I seem to have ordered Stronskavaal House to be published as a hardback instead of a paperback. Now, while I’ve nothing against hardbacks, except I find them too heavy to hold while I’m reading, all my other novels are paperbacks. I thought I’d ticked paperback, but, having already made so many mistakes, I’m willing to believe I made this one too.

When I eventually release Stronskavaal House – as a paperback – I just hope it won’t look too battered and bruised 🤦‍♀️

To be continued…

Coming Soon

Thought I’d let you be the first to know I have a new book coming soon, and first to see the book cover.

Stronskavaal House has been written, drafted, redrafted, edited, redrafted, proofread at least three times, and is at last ready for me to reformat for Amazon Kindle and further reformat to submit for publication as a paperback.

Yes, it has been a lot of work, with some hard work still to do, but it has also been heaps of pleasure. I have, once again, loved being in the company of Mirabelle and her friends and family. She’s such an interesting and fun character to write about.

Hope you’re looking forward to meeting them all again too.

And if you haven’t met Mirabelle and co before, you have time to get to know them before the release of Stronskavaal House. You can find them in The Reluctant Detective series – that’s:

Searching for Summer, Traces of Red, Rusty Gold, and the first follow up to the series, For What it’s Worth

They can all be found on my author profiles on Amazon Kindle for the ebooks or FeedaRead for paperback copies.

Be back soon! 😀

Told you I’d be back soon 😂

Aaaargh! One of my loyal readers just pointed out that there is an error in the blurb on the proposed back cover (see above) Well, did you spot it? I can’t tell you how many times I checked that over and missed it every time. I also can’t tell you how many times I’ve written ‘The Island of Skye’ – and therein probably lies the problem. Because that’s what I believed I’d written, that’s what I must have assumed I’d written, and so didn’t see that’s not what I had, in fact, written – thus demonstrating why I use proofreaders for my books!

I expect you now see the error glaring out at you too 🤦‍♀️

I left off the ‘e’ at the end of the Island of Skye. Eeeeeee……!

Just to add, I’m always very grateful to have things like that pointed out to me. It gives me the opportunity to correct them and give you, my readers, the best quality read I can manage.

Back to the editing process.🤷🏼‍♀️