Making it Home

Making it Homeonly 99p on Kindle.

A contemporary story about three women who live and work in Edinburgh.

One of the things this novel explores is what happens when a woman leaves the home she’s lived in for twenty-eight years and the marriage she feels she’s stagnated in for thirty-five: where does she go? can she build a new life? where and how will she ‘make it home’?

Kate’s husband, Dan, was the one who shook her into leaving. He invaded and despoiled her private territory, the place of refuge she had created. He wasn’t a cruel man, just a thoughtless one, and the novel also looks at events from his viewpoint.

Another area of exploration is the world of two shopaholics, Phyllis and Naomi: why they shop; what they are really buying, and how they can stop.

I wrote this novel after realising that many of my friends and acquaintances were reaching a time in their lives and marriages when they felt a little ‘sidelined’ by life and needed something more. Some of them turn to ‘retail therapy’, usually with little success but many problems. Some of them seek out new jobs or new hobbies, usually with more success and fewer problems. There are those who do nothing, but remain feeling unfulfilled and a little cheated by life.

The feedback I have so far received from those who have read this book, is very positive. Many have identified with the characters and tell me that this novel has helped them to re-evaluate their lives.

A brief synopsis is:

Kate had a home, but her heart wasn’t in it… or in her marriage. So she left them both.

Phyllis had a home… and her heart was in it… but she wanted something more. So she shopped.

Naomi had no home and her heart was in cold storage, frozen by grief and fear. So she shopped.

They found one another in a department store in Edinburgh – shopping.

The trouble with ‘retail therapy’ is… you can overdose.

As friendship grows between these three women, they help one another face up to their problems, realising along the way, that every heart needs a home and it takes more than a house to make one.

Making It Home


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