If Music be the Food of Love




Music plays an important part at several points during Flying Free, the third of my novels, and I wondered if you’d like to hear some of the pieces I mention, along with reading a small excerpt from the novel.

Today, I hope you enjoy  The Four Sea Interludes from Britten’s Opera, Peter Grimes.


Jayne had never been to a live orchestral concert before and was unprepared for the power of such a performance. It took her by storm. The first piece, Four Sea Interludes from Britten’s Opera, Peter Grimes, brought all the varying sounds of the open sea surging into the auditorium, shivering down her spine. All her senses sparked into life.

Eyes closed, she could feel the chill breeze of dawn over the desolate seascape, hear gulls whirling and crying, the tide slowly swelling, shingle churning on the beach. It was so real to her, prickling her skin with goosebumps, transporting her once more to the beaches of her youth and the mornings when she woke early and crept out of the house before her father was awake. She could smell the salty air, taste it on her lips. Her face lifted to the wind as it brought the chill of the water onto the beach. Her bottom cold on shingle and sand, watching dawn creep across the sky. In a world full of sound, smell and colour, there was emptiness.

She hadn’t been back since she was ten years old, yet the evocative music forced long buried memories to surface and she remembered well the chill of a seaside dawn. She shivered again.

In the last of Britten’s four interludes a storm raged out at sea. Excitement mounted in Jayne as it surged around her. The same fearful excitement she used to feel as a child, glorying in the power of the elements. She didn’t try to shelter at those times, but let herself be buffeted and drenched, having no fear of the storm’s fury. After such a tempest she always felt purged and renewed.

Exhilaration lifted her out of her seat as the orchestra brought the storm crashing to its end.


Four Sea Interludes from Britten’s Opera, Peter Grimes,



I wonder, do you ‘see’ the same things as Jayne when you listen to this music?

What does it conjure up for you?

Flying Free is available as Kindle or Paperback


14 thoughts on “If Music be the Food of Love”

  1. I am looking forward to when it is launched! You’ve got me hooked 🙂

    Listening to the interlude… I ‘see’ the start of an expedition; a great adventure. It is night-time and difficult to navigate. There are creatures in the shadows of the sea, sky and air, buffeting both their boat and their strength of heart, but moments of victory and courage emerge nonetheless, overcoming the fears of the night.


  2. I’ve got goosebumps reading the story and listening to the music. reminds me of music lesson I once had, where we had to listen to orchestral music and imagine a story unfolding. That one lesson always stayed with me.


    1. Sounds like you had a good teacher, Jayne. And one who saw the terrific compatibility between music and literature.
      (Goodness! It seems funny to be typing your name, Jayne, and not be writing it as part of the story!)


  3. As a life long Musician I relate to every sensory vibration you have composed.
    No play on words intended there. I lied. I just like it..I am lost in the moment..
    Your writing is like that.
    Are you a Buddhist snake charmer? Oh ; that would be Hindu.
    Well, I still like it!


  4. Awaiting your new book! The App I used for talking dogs on Facebook is My Talking Pet. Just having fun with my family!

    Sent from my iPad



  5. After CO visit & weekend in Livingston I got back to your book. You handled the subject with understanding, even the means of conquering it…did your research. The music blended in beautifully. Has a surprise element, but don’t want to expose it for readers. Facing abuser who resurfaced was dramatic. Have enjoyed reading ALL 3 novels! Keep ’em coming.

    Liked by 1 person

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